The Murdochs are coming! The Murdochs are coming!

According to a recent survey, a large percentage of Australians still fear invasion by Indonesia. (Maybe not so silly, considering its standing army is probably bigger than Australia�s entire population.)

But if new reports are any indication, Indonesia should fear an invasion by the Aussies. In media terms, anyways. Lachlan Murdoch, scion of Rupert and longtime prot�g� at the tabloid sine qua non New York Post, has been sniffing around media opportunities in the archipelago.

Say what you want about the Murdochs and News Corp. � as Keith Olbermann, irascible MSNBC anchor, often does � but they�re no dummies. Rupert has built himself a tidy global empire, finishing by wresting the Wall Street Journal from the squabbling Bancroft family. And Lachlan, by looking to gain a foothold in a country with a population more than 10 times his own, is demonstrating similar entrepreneurial spirit. Said to be among the potential targets: Lippo's Group's Globe magazine, and the Media Group, which owns 24-hour news channel Metro TV.

Whether young Lachlan will look to his dad�s Fox News as the template for his Indonesian media empire, time will tell. But since he left the U.S. after a clash with his pops, he can�t be all bad. Click here to read about the secret plans of Murdoch 2.0.

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